It’s not uncommon for vehicle collectors, married or not, to be the only ones who really know what they have in their collection and sometimes they are not even sure. Jay Leno is a notorious vehicle collector and when asked how many cars and motorcycles were in his collection, he said, “My wife thinks it’s around 17 or so. Let’s go with that.” Sources say in reality it’s nearly 200.

Some people collect art, some people collect shoes, and some people collect anything with an engine. You don’t have to be a collector to answer this – Where is the title?

Good question, right? Most people have to think about where their titles are and more than likely it is one of the 5 Documents You Have in the Wrong Place.

The most common mistake people make with their vehicle title is to store it IN the vehicle. If someone steals your vehicle or it is severely damaged during a storm, you have no proof of ownership. Store if safely anywhere but in the vehicle. Same goes for the spare keys!

It takes less than 5 minutes to create a Torch notebook for your car, motorcycle, boat or any other vehicle you maintain. The simple checklist walks you through key contacts, the location of your title or lease agreement, car loans and any special instructions. 

When my cousin passed his Torch to me, I was surprised to learn one of the cars in his garage doesn’t have brakes. Good to know! When you create a notebook and pass your Torch, remember to add any helpful information about your vehicles and repair work that needs to be completed.

One of our Torch customers, who is also a vehicle collector, told me that “The checklist was awesome, it inspired me to organize my paperwork and I found active insurance policies for vehicles I didn’t even own anymore.”  I loved hearing that we not only helped him get organized but we saved him money! It’s a good reminder that Keeping Track of Your Vehicle Title and Other Paperwork is very important.

It doesn’t matter if you have one car, a Harley or a fleet of cars, motorcycles, jet skis and boats, it’s important to give someone else instructions about where to find important information.



Spark a conversation that matters.

Take the next 5 minutes to tell someone essential information they should know about you, but probably don't, using The Torch.